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Technical Documentation

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HFVI MONITOR USER MANUALHFVI MONITOR, User manualpdfhfvi-monitor user-manual product contentenpdf
ANI SENSORS V2 – USER MANUALANI SENSORS, User manual, , , , , , , , , , pdfsensors user-manual product contentde en es fi fr it nl pl pt ro rupdf
ANI SENSORS V1 & ANI SENSORS V1 PLUS – User manualANI SENSORS, User manual, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , pdfsensors user-manual product contentar cs de el en es fi fr it nl pl pt ro ru sl tr uk zhpdf
HFVI SENSORS V1 PLUS – USER MANUALHFVI SENSORS, User manualpdfhfvi-sensors user-manual product contentenpdf
PTA MONITOR – USER MANUAL – ENPTA MONITOR, User manualpdfpta-monitor user-manual product contentenpdf
PTA MONITOR – USER MANUAL – FRPTA MONITOR, User manualpdfpta-monitor user-manual product contentfrpdf
NIPE MONITOR V1 – USER MANUAL – CSNIPE MONITOR V1, User manualpdfnipe-monitor-v1 user-manual product contentcspdf
NIPE MONITOR V1 – USER MANUAL – ITNIPE MONITOR V1, User manualpdfnipe-monitor-v1 user-manual product contentitpdf
NIPE MONITOR V1 – USER MANUAL – ENNIPE MONITOR V1, User manualpdfnipe-monitor-v1 user-manual product contentenpdf
NIPE MONITOR V1 – USER MANUAL – TUNIPE MONITOR V1, User manualpdfnipe-monitor-v1 user-manual product contenttupdf
NIPE MONITOR V1 – USER MANUAL – PLNIPE MONITOR V1, User manualpdfnipe-monitor-v1 user-manual product contentplpdf
NIPE MONITOR V1 – USER MANUAL – NLNIPE MONITOR V1, User manualpdfnipe-monitor-v1 user-manual product contentnlpdf
NIPE MONITOR V1 – USER MANUAL – FLEMISHNIPE MONITOR V1, User manualpdfnipe-monitor-v1 user-manual product contentflemishpdf
NIPE MONITOR V1 – USER MANUAL – ESNIPE MONITOR V1, User manualpdfnipe-monitor-v1 user-manual product contentespdf
NIPE MONITOR V1 – USER MANUAL – DENIPE MONITOR V1, User manualpdfnipe-monitor-v1 user-manual product contentdepdf
NIPE MONITOR V1 – USER MANUAL – RUNIPE MONITOR V1, User manualpdfnipe-monitor-v1 user-manual product contentrupdf
NIPE MONITOR V1 – USER MANUAL – RONIPE MONITOR V1, User manualpdfnipe-monitor-v1 user-manual product contentropdf
NIPE MONITOR V1 – USER MANUAL – PTNIPE MONITOR V1, User manualpdfnipe-monitor-v1 user-manual product contentptpdf
NIPE MONITOR V1 – USER MANUAL – HGNIPE MONITOR V1, User manualpdfnipe-monitor-v1 user-manual product contenthgpdf
NIPE MONITOR V1 – USER MANUAL – KRNIPE MONITOR V1, User manualpdfnipe-monitor-v1 user-manual product contentkrpdf
NIPE MONITOR V1 – USER MANUAL – FINIPE MONITOR V1, User manualpdfnipe-monitor-v1 user-manual product contentfipdf
NIPE MONITOR V1 – USER MANUAL – FRNIPE MONITOR V1, User manualpdfnipe-monitor-v1 user-manual product contentfrpdf
ANI MOC-9 V1 – USER MANUAL – PTANI MOC-9 V1, User manualpdfani-moc-9-v1 user-manual product contentptpdf
ANI MOC-9 V1 – USER MANUAL – NLANI MOC-9 V1, User manualpdfani-moc-9-v1 user-manual product contentnlpdf
ANI MOC-9 V1 – USER MANUAL – ITANI MOC-9 V1, User manualpdfani-moc-9-v1 user-manual product contentitpdf
ANI MOC-9 V1 – USER MANUAL – FRANI MOC-9 V1, User manualpdfani-moc-9-v1 user-manual product contentfrpdf
ANI MOC-9 V1 – USER MANUAL – ESANI MOC-9 V1, User manualpdfani-moc-9-v1 user-manual product contentespdf
ANI MOC-9 V1 – USER MANUAL – ENANI MOC-9 V1, User manualpdfani-moc-9-v1 user-manual product contentenpdf
ANI MOC-9 V1 – USER MANUAL – DEANI MOC-9 V1, User manualpdfani-moc-9-v1 user-manual product contentdepdf
ANI MOC-9 V1 – USER MANUAL – CZANI MOC-9 V1, User manualpdfani-moc-9-v1 user-manual product contentcspdf
ANI MOC-9 V1 – USER MANUAL – BPTANI MOC-9 V1, User manualpdfani-moc-9-v1 user-manual product contentbptpdf
ANI-MR – USER MANUAL – ENANI-MR, User manualpdfani-mr user-manual product contentenpdf
ANI-MR- USER MANUAL – FRANI-MR, User manualpdfani-mr user-manual product contentfrpdf
ANI MONITOR V2 – USER MANUAL – FRANI MONITOR V2, User manualpdfani-monitor-v2 user-manual product contentfrpdf
ANI MONITOR V2 – USER MANUAL – ENANI MONITOR V2, User manualpdfani-monitor-v2 user-manual product contentenpdf
ANI MONITOR V2 – USER MANUAL – DEANI MONITOR V2, User manualpdfani-monitor-v2 user-manual product contentdepdf
ANI MONITOR V2 – USER MANUAL – PTANI MONITOR V2, User manualpdfani-monitor-v2 user-manual product contentptpdf
ANI MONITOR V2 – USER MANUAL – ITANI MONITOR V2, User manualpdfani-monitor-v2 user-manual product contentitpdf
ANI MONITOR V2 – USER MANUAL – ESANI MONITOR V2, User manualpdfani-monitor-v2 user-manual product contentespdf
ANI MONITOR V2 – USER MANUAL – NLANI MONITOR V2, User manualpdfani-monitor-v2 user-manual product contentnlpdf
ANI MONITOR V2 – USER MANUAL – CZANI MONITOR V2, User manualpdfani-monitor-v2 user-manual product contentcspdf
ANI SENSORSANI SENSORS, Product sheetpdfsensors product-sheet product contentenpdf
PTA MONITORProduct sheet, PTA MONITORpdfproduct-sheet pta-monitor content productenpdf
NIPE MONITOR V1NIPE MONITOR V1, Product sheetpdfnipe-monitor-v1 product-sheet product contentenpdf
ANI MOC-9 V1ANI MOC-9 V1, Product sheetpdfani-moc-9-v1 product-sheet product contentenpdf
ANI-MRANI-MR, Product sheetpdfani-mr product-sheet product contentenpdf
ANI MONITOR V2ANI MONITOR V2, Product sheetpdfani-monitor-v2 product-sheet product contentenpdf

ANI in the OR

ANI in the ICU

ANI out of the OR

NIPE in the OR

KOL & User testimonials

Francisco Almeida Lobo, MD.
Anesthesiologist, MD.
Director of Research at Cleveland Clinic, Abu Dhabi.
Editor in chief of the journal Clinical Monitoring and Computing
Chairman for EURO SIVA.
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Measuring nociception allow us to reach the personalization treatment improving safety

MDoloris technology uses a physiological background that allows a very friendly use and understanding  to clinicians. Evaluating the response of the ANS, and the stress events helps clinicans to continuously evaluate the nociception analgesia balance, prevent hemodynamic events and detect when that event is related to nociception or not.

Mdoloris technologies can be used outside the OR, in frail patients in preanesthesia consultant helping us to plan better the anesthesia of those patients. Same in ICU , obstetric patients..broad applications outside the OR.

Closed-loop system is an old aim of anesthesiologists that will never replace anesthesiologist but will be an essential tool to improve their work and avoid possible human errors. Very important.

Irene Osborn, MD.
Professor of Anesthesia at Montefiore hospital, New York.
Member of several professional associations as the American Society of Anesthesiologist and the Society of Neurosurgical Anesthesia and Intensive Care.
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Monitor nociception and the autonomic nervous system is something we did not have before and brings important benefits.

MDoloris is easy to use and easy to interpret , the ANI with the parasympathetic balance and the energy value with its frailty detection.

The real important thing for anesthesiologist is control the ANS because this will bring important problems related to inflammation and with MDoloris technology you can measure so then take control on this reaction.

ICU is another place were MDoloris technology can bring value, it has shown that in covid19 patients it can predict mortality. Palliative care could be another area.

Closed-loop is a game changer, we will be able to see what is coming and being able to react correctly to it.

Nicole Innerhofer, MD. PhD.
Doctor in Anesthesia at Innsbruck Hospital, Austria.
Expert in inflammation, volume management and HRV.
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Nociception monitors are important due to the activation of the sympathetic system which will cause inflammation causing problems postoperatively.

With MDoloris we have the analgesia with the ANI value and with the energy value their physical reserves, to identify them as frail and protect them. I can only do it if I can measure, and only can be measured with MDoloris technology.

Not all devices are equal in this kind of monitoring. We need more than pain monitors as pain in uncouncious patients does not exist , we need sympathetic/parasympathetic balance measures because we can not influence what we cannot measure.

Mdoloris is non invasive, can be applied in any patient and give me this autonomic balance information so then I can influence it ,that is what matters.

Wireless device might be very useful for the ward.

Closed loop system will improve the outcomes of the patients always under supervision of course.

Sergio Bergese, MD.
Professor of Anesthesiology and Neurological Surgery.
Vice chair for professional development.
Director of Outcomes and Clinical Research in Peri-operative Medicine at Stony Book University New York.
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Next step of sophistication in anesthesia which allows you to individualize the analgesia treatment  getting better decisions for your patients.

Not all the technologies are the same , the ones that have more data will survive and MDoloris technology is the one.

The great value of MDoloris technology is that It measures the balance of the ANS which is linked to surgical stress and nociception.

Outside the OR , patients who cannot communicate will benefit these patients

Closed-loop is the natural next step of this technology, perfecting the anesthesia techniques.

Jan Paul Mulier, MD. PhD.
Staff anesthesiologist at Ghent University.
15 years in Opioid-free, Stress-free anesthesia.
Professor and doctor at ESAIC.
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Only awake patients can suffer from pain, uncouncious patients need nociception monitors as this will produce an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system, so we need to avoid sympathetic stress, and for that we need autonomic nervous system monitors as the MDoloris technology to avoid inflammation and that surgical stress.

Every patient going under anesthesia should be measured the ANS balance as this will have an impact in morbidity and mortality but as well in the time required to go to normal activity.

Not all devices are equal, MDoloris technology (HRV) is able to measure the ANS balance in a very precise way, not the case for HR or BP, skin conductance is not that precise neither.

MDoloris technology value in the OR is already well known, outside the OR it might be very interesting in septic patients as it has been shown in covid19.

Close loop system will improve safety administering the right dose to each patient making an improvement in the personalization of analgesia avoiding infra and overdosing.This closeloop is what will be the real future.

Bill Fawcett, MD.
Professor in anesthesia. Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, Royal Surrey County Hospital Guildford, (UK).Executive member in the comitte of ERAS society.
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Knowing in a direct and physiological way if a patient under anesthesia might be suffering nociception is extremely useful, not only for intraoperative management but will prevent excessive opioid use postoperatively

Not all devices are equal , MDoloris technology has got the biggest number of publications more than all other together.It is the only one that tells you which is the balance of the sympathetic/parasympathetic balance and will help with the stress response that we know is not good. And we can see that in real time and continuously. This is a really important step forward.

The advantages is that it is easy to use and usable, and this helps us to titrate the analgesic need precisely minimizing infra and overdosing with its associated complications

ANI can be used as well in ICU to ensure that the patients are in good confort.

About closeloop, all our biological systems are govern in a closeloop method so this is completely logical, and will deliver a much more reliable analgesia than any anesthetic could do.

Pablo Ingelmo, MD.
Professor at McGill University.
Director of Edwards Family Interdisciplinary Center for Complex Pain.

Pablo Ingelmo is a prominent figure in the field of anesthesia. His research contributions have significantly impacted the understanding and practice of anesthesia.

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Nociception monitors is a very good news. Alows to understand better nociception in anesthesia palliative care . awake patients that allows to personalize the treatment.

Mdoloris is well studied, well supported and easy to use.A continuous measure.

Provides energy value related to frailty and ANI related to parasympathetic to protect them.

Useful to even guide surgeons during neurosurgeries to tell them they are were they would not want to be.

Close-loop systems will improve safety and give me time to think and decide.