MDoloris Technology's ANS monitoring has the potential to revolutionise pain management, patient comfort and personalised care in surgical, intensive care and palliative care settings. As research continues and technology evolves, we can expect more sophisticated devices. That is why we are constantly working to improve the accuracy of our algorithms, as well as on new versions of our devices and seamless integration with existing medical systems.
MDoloris is a French MedTech company founded in 2010 thanks to a public-private partnership based on the work of Pr. Regis Logier, Mathieu Jeanne and Julien De Jonckheere and Michel Delecroix (Unit 807 INSERM - CIC-IT of the CHRU of Lille. Since the first spin-off, the research has enabled to file numerous patents.
The innovation, the scientific and medical breakthrough of MDoloris consist in finding, evaluating and validating a new biological measurement, a new physiological data representing the parasympathetic tone of the human body. This new reference mark is obviously of great importance in certain specific circumstances, in particular in the objective assessment of pain and the well-being / comfort of the patient, whether conscious or unconscious.
Beyond anaesthesiology (human or animal), many applications remain possible. Let us take the example of intensive care monitoring. 2 Studies carried out during COVID show that the MDoloris technology, by objectifying and facilitating the maintenance of parasympathetic tone within "normal" values, allows better pharmacological titration and reduces risks:
- respiratory depression (overdose)
- inflammatory cascade (underdose)
whatever the pharmacological nature of the analgesic effect.
Suffice it to say that this patented and proprietary technology is based on solid scientific and clinical foundations and offers many prospects for the future:
The first development is no less than one of the future of anaesthesia and represent a potential turning point in the evolution of MDoloris
MDoloris, in partnership with the University Hospital of Lille, is the first company to have succeeded in integrating an autonomous loop (close-loop system) with its technology. The MDoloris technology will now benefit from physiological and "automatic" feedback for the control/optimisation of the tone of the neuro-vegetative system. In other words, the realisation of this loop, already clinically validated with the University Hospital of Lille and soon to be published, represents a new step in anaesthesiology, offering greater safety, control and comfort to the patient, while freeing up the anaesthetist's time to monitor other vital parameters.
Patented and registered e, these biomechanical innovations have demonstrated their full clinical potential in a clinical study, to be published shortly.
But many other fields are of interest: Let's explore how MDoloris technology and autonomic nervous system (ANS) monitoring could develop in the coming years in different medical contexts.